Foraging Health Herbs

Common Mallow – an Unsung Hero?

marshmallowsWe all know the fluffy confection called Marshmallow.  Roasted, in s’mores, or just come-as-you are, they’re a delicious addition to our sweet-tooth repertior.  But did you know the treats were originally created as a cough and sore throat soother by pharmacists of long ago?

Also known as cone flower due to the marshmallow's flower's distinctive outline
Also known as cone flower due to its flower’s distinctive outline

The commercial treat is basically a combination of whipped egg white, sugar and gelatine, but the traditional goodies once contained a decoction of marshmallow root – a garden plant that grows happily in our temperate climes, and which makes a pretty addition to our gardens.

Did you also know the marshmallow has an even more common cousin?

The humble mallow, scourge of roadside and river bank, if allowed to grow unchecked can reach several feet tall.

The common mallow is not as widely-known, or as widely used, in herbalism as its relative, but it shares many of the same properties.  For both plants the main action is to produce a slimy substance which, when released, forms a silky film over an inflamed area.  This is useful in the treatment of irritations to the mouth and throat if taken orally.  It is astringent and can promote the coughing-up of mucus from the lungs.

Mallow_January_2008-1Mallow can also be used to relieve an inflamed digestive tract. Its action is the same as above – it coats the tract with a thin, soothing film.  It can also help stomach and bladder complaints.

In addition, a poltice of the leaves applied to the skin under a warm, moist dressing and left for 30 mins or so calms sore or inflamed skin. It can soften and soothe the skin when applied locally and can sometimes be found in hand cream.

The roots and leaves have been used as a natural dye.

A decoction of the root is a good egg-white substitute.  When left to soak, the water surrounding it becomes thick and gloopy.  This can be whipped up to make a merangue and goes some way to explaining how we ended up with our marshmallow treats.

Mallow tea made from an infusion of the dried leaves is mild in flavour, somewhat akin to green tea, and is pleasant to drink. The fresh leaves can be added to salads.  The mallow seeds are also edible and, when fresh, can be toasted to give a delicious, nutty sprinkle.

It’s thought that ingestion of the herb can lower blood sugar levels, so use with caution if you suffer from diabetes or blood-sugar related problems.


Foraging Health Herbs

Blackberry Leaf

cropped-blackberries-300x3001.jpgBlackberries (brambles) are a ubiquitous plant, found in any area fork and spade neglect.  For many garderners it’s a pest, sending out thorny tendrils from the tiniest shred of root time and again, but there’s another side to blackberries we might overlook. While we have all tried the delicious bramble fruits, either raw or in preserves and sauces, how many of us have tried using its leaves as a natural remedy?

Blackberry leaves can be chewed fresh (though watch out for thorns which may lurk on their underside).  They are high in tannins and Vitamin C, boosting immunity and blancing the body’s ph. Chewing fresh leaves can help with canker sores and inflamed gums.  They can also be made into a poultice for rashes and and to promote skin healing.

As a tea made with dried, fermented leaves, this plant can help with a number of ailments.

For minor sore throat pain
Blackberry leaf tea is suitable as a gargle and mouthwash for inflammation of the mouth and throat when you have a cold. When you first notice a sore throat, you can keep it from worsening by gargling with blackberry leaf tea right away. Drink 2-3 cups of the tea daily to supplement the effects.

For diarrhea
For gastrointestinal flu with diarrhea and cramping, a decoction of blackberry leaf tea can prove to be very effective. Drink 2-3 small cups sweetened with a little honey or stevia over the course of a day. The astringent tannins in the leaves will reduce both the intestinal inflammation and the excess flow of secretions. You can also add peppermint tea to increase this effect.

For skin rashes
To treat inflamed or oozing rashes, make a decoction by gently boiling the blackberry leaves. Soak a cotton cloth in the liquid. Wring out the cloth and place it on the affected area; cover with plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 min. Repeat several times a day.

Sore Mouth

Use the tea as a mouthwash to improve the condition of the mucus lining of the mouth and to soothe scratches, mouth ulcers and sores.


Antioxidants protect us against free radicals, which can damage cells and may be a factor in heart disease, cancer and other health problems. A study published in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that blackberry leaves had higher oxygen radical absorbance capacity than the fruit.